Blog post

Virtual Training Camp



Written by Johann Wykerd - Head Coach

Head Coach | UCI Level 2 Coach | Australian Cycling Advanced Coach | Training Peaks Level 2 Coach | BICP Level 1 (Bike Instructor Certification)

1 July 2023

With an exceptionally harsh winter-We realised our clients and us, needed that extra motivation to stick to the training plan. What better way than to train together in a structured manner, that takes the guesswork out and keeps you accountable. From the comfort of your home.

We offered a 4 Week Virtual Training Program.

16 Workouts (3 Workouts per week + 1 weekend session).

Linked to your Training Peaks account.

Which gets synced to your virtual training app.

You can do the workout anytime of the day-Another great bonus point.

You receive daily messages explaining the purpose of each workout, with tips and encouragement. 

Absolutely worth the effort!

Testimony of a satisfied client.

I saw the Winter Camp Flyer. Immediately thought “This is for me!”

Signed up ….and then I got cold feet. Oh my goodness🙈. Will I be able to do it. Are they going to kill me. Who are these people?


I received a very kind message from Johann, Aren’t you gonna join us anymore. I said no I got cold feet….But we all have cold feet already, it’s winter.  😂😂 That changed my mind. Next moment I have numbers. Heart rates Ftp’s.  Zones , TP and Zwift.  Connected and ready. I am part of a group and we are doing a Winter Training Camp.


Help and clear communication was there from the start. Every session had a short explanation. I got a weekly report about what we did last week and what’s coming. I want to do this!


The sessions were do-able. Before I knew, week one passed. First goal was reached. Then it was halfway. Done.


With workouts a week ahead I knew exactly how to plan. My life has changed. I am in a rhythm. I have plans. It made me feel so good. Week 3 and 4 was harder but I did them. Still do-able. It was so encouraging.


I  really enjoyed this Winter Camp. This virtual training camp sets you up for success. It changed me.


I  feel ready, am positive and fitter with new goals and new dreams. 

Linda Gräbe


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